Thursday, July 2, 2009

Kaleb & Alexis

This is Kaleb (2 years old) and Alexis (3 months old). I met their family at Minehaha Park for some pictures. Both kids have bright blue eyes and are Adorable!

Lexie was so good for the camera. As soon as I started taking pictures she gave me a great big smile!

Kaleb is a very busy 2 year old and he sure does love his trucks! I love this face!
Look at those beautiful blue eyes - Adorable!!!

I love baby feet!!

Modeling is tough work....they definitely earned their nap!
Thank you Sarah and Thad for meeting me, I had so much fun taking pictures of your beautiful children! Hope you enjoy the photo's!!!


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Hello and welcome to my blog!

My name is Jessica and my passion is photography! This is where I post all of my most recent work to share with the world so don't be a stranger!!

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